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Jazz Chromatic Ensemble


Paolo Russo, Luca Calabrese | Trumpet
Beppe Caruso, Lauro Rossi | Trombone
Gianluigi Paganelli | Tuba
Marcello Noia | Alto Saxophone, Clarinet
Giulio Loglio | Tenor Saxophone
Daniele Cavallanti | Baritone Saxophone, Arranger (on track # 3)
Angiolo Tarocchi | Synthesizer Programming, Drums, Vocal, Arranger, Conductor
Umberto Petrin | Piano, Vocal
Roberto Cecchetto | Guitar
Giovanni Maier | Double Bass
Tiziano Tononi | Drums, Percussion, Gongs, Arranger (on track # 3), Drums
Plus Guests:
Robbie Robertson | Vocal on track # 5
Carola Caruso | Vocal on track # 1.1
Renato Geremia | Alto Saxophone on track # 1.5
Emilio Vapi | Flute, Piccolo on track # 4, 6

Year: 1995
Format: CD
Category: CD Italian Jazz
Barcode: 0716642047326
Splasch code: H 0473.2
Recorded: Recorded on April 1-2 and June 19-20, 1995 at the ‘Studio 7’ Studio, Milan Italy