Kath’hypocheimenou - Andrea Rossi Andrea | Ground Plane Antenna - Splasch Records


1. Kath’hypocheimenou (Andrea Rossi Andrea) 10:00

Weight 100 g
Album: Kath’hypocheimenou - Artist: Andrea Rossi Andrea | Ground Plane Antenna


Romano Gasparotto | Philosopher
Valentina Moar | Dancer
Andrea Rossi Andrea | Electric Basses, MIDI Electric Bass

Year: 2012
Format: DVD
Category: DVD Series
Splasch code: H 3005.9
Recorded: Recorded live on June, 11, 2011 at Herman Nitsch Museum, during the mass in work of the text of the Romano Gasparotti “Di un pensare in opera” (By thinking in a work) Naples Italy

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