In Front Of You - Sergio Chiricosta Sextet - Splasch Records


1. Maybe I Should Leave For Good (Marta Capponi) 05:05
2. Behind You (Sergio Chiricosta) 05:24
3. Oh My God! (Sergio Chiricosta) 10:37
4. Circle (Beppe Bima) 02:37
5. Chiri Town (Sergio Chiricosta) 07:16
6. Joj (Sergio Chiricosta) 04:15
7. In Front Of You (Sergio Chiricosta) 08:49
8. Reminescence (Marta Capponi) 03:02

Weight 100 g
Album: In Front Of You - Artist: Sergio Chiricosta Sextet


Sergio Chiricosta | Trombone, Shells
Toti Canzoneri | Flutes
Beppe Bima | Piano
Saverio Miele | Bass
Giò Dimasi | Drums, Wood Tamburine
Marta Capponi | Vocal

Year: 2008
Format: CD
Category: CD Italian Jazz
Splasch code: H 1517.2
Recorded: Recorded on August 1-2, 2006 at ‘Pollaio’ Studio, Biella Italy

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